School Aged – 07-11 yrs (Boys)

Every parent wants their child’s birthday to be special, which is, perhaps, why organising a child’s birthday party can often feel very stressful! And the older children get, the harder it can be to decide what to do to help them celebrate with their friends. Here is a non-exhaustive list of party ideas for a 7-10-year-old boy.

School Aged – 07-11 yrs(Boys)

Swimming Party and Pizza

Swimming parties can be a great choice for a 10-year-old’s birthday party, as you usually pay for the pool hire rather than per guest. If your child has a lot of friends, it means they can all be invited! Many swimming pools can be hired out for parties at selected times of the week, and some even have inflatables for hire, which always goes down well with children.

Laser Party

Laser parties are ever popular with boys. Age doesn’t mater—from about 7 upwards, they can be enjoyed by anyone. It’s a less intensive game when compared to paintballing, and because it is played indoors the weather is never an issue. It’s good fun, children use up lots of energy, and you can usually get party food at the venue too.

Nerf Party

Boys love Nerf. Some venues hold organised Nerf parties, but you can do it yourself if you have the equipment and the space. In fact, when my son went to an organised Nerf party at a local centre I ended up thinking we could have done it better in the garden at home if we had enough time to prepare. You can eat your party food in the ‘base’ too.

Activity Party

An activity party is another suitable option for a 10-year-old boy, and these days there is something to suit everyone.

Climbing is a popular option, as is archery. Canoeing might be another great option if you have a nearby facility, and other outdoor options include crate stacking (something that children of this age find really fun!) and even bushcraft or raft building. A word of warning: at a canoeing party my son and some of his overexcited friends suddenly ran fully clothed into the water at the end of the party—in November, in the UK. It was cold! A change of clothes is probably essential!

Skate Park Party with Scooters or Skateboards

Skate parks are very popular, especially with boys. If your 10-year-old is passionate over scooters, skateboarding, or even BMX, then this could be a brilliant choice for a party. It would require everyone to bring their own equipment—currently, scooters seem to be incredibly popular and a vast number of children of this age group seem to own one.

With regards to venues, there are two options. If you have an indoor skate park facility nearby, you could enquire about private hire for a couple of hours—some places will offer this. Usually, hire will be limited to off-peak times, perhaps on a quiet day after school. It’s worth it though, because the children will have the ramps all to themselves without any older kids getting in the way, something which they will love.

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